Day 15


I only did two things today. No lie. And yet it took the whole day.

Apparently, since I’m the intern who excels most at the DIY stuff, I got assigned the Repurpose article for the June Issue. And I don’t just mean looking at some How-To videos on YouTube and then writing a step-by-step for it. NOPE. I had to actually make the thing.

And by thing, I mean a jewelry stand made out of old soda bottles and a recycled antenna. YEAHP.

The moment I got to the office, I literally had to start making the thing already, cause Erica told me it would last the whole day and BOY IT DID.

First I had to punch a hole through the bottoms of these Coke bottles. You think that’s easy? IT SURE AINT. Do you have any idea how hard the bottom of a Coke bottle is? WELL IT’S PRETTY DAMN HARD. And the worst part of it was that I couldn’t use a drill because I don’t know how and I would’ve ended up making swiss cheese out of everyone the drill could make a whole that was TOO BIG for the antenna itself. So I had to make the hole manually. That meant starting out with a nail pusher and creating an incision at the bottom of the bottle, then once the incision is nice and deep, grabbing a knife and basically turning it into a manual drill until I managed to create a perfectly sized hole.

Easy? HELL NO. I think I grew muscles that would make Popeye’s arms look like chicken feet. Thank God Bea and Tere were there to help me, if not I probably wouldn’t have been able to finish everything.

Anyway, between the three of us we DID manage to punch the holes in the space of….uhh, more or less two hours. Once that was done, we had to cut the base away from the Coke Bottles cause that’s what’ll eventually turn into the jewelry stand. So that meant grabbing the handy-dandy knife and STABBING the coke bottle until there’s a nice, clean cut in the center. Once it’s there I pull the knife out and then grab some scissors and cut the base off. Again, very taxing. You try perfectly cutting off the base of a coke bottle and just TRY and tell me that your fingers don’t blister after five minutes. 

FINALLY that was done. Next thing was that me and Bea had to grab the bases, take them to the stairwell where we wouldn’t be disturbing anyone, and then we began spray painting them white, just to act as a base coat for when we paint them for real. Once we were done spray painting, it was back to the office to wait until the bases dried.

At this point I had a bit of free time, so Bea and I helped Tere find some art for what I can only guess is the Dining Room feature of the magazine. Then it was off to lunch where we also had to simultaneously buy acrylic paint and paintbrushes for the jewelry stand. Not with our own money of course. Either way, any excuse to go to mega mall is a good enough excuse for me.

When we got back, I had to start painting the bases so that literally took up my entire afternoon. After the first coat of paint, I had to wait for them to dry before applying the second coat. Then while I was waiting for the second coat to dry I started typing out the copy for the repurpose. 

Once the paint had dried, I killed off my last two hours by painting little embellishments on them. Just to pretty things up a bit y’know?

And that’s the story of how I went home with my fingers covered in paint. 

Three days left til I leave my internship for good. 

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