Day 13

if I thought Day 12 was slow, then MAN, that was nothing compared to the doldrums of Day 13.

literally I did almost nothing today. We were SOOOO ahead of schedule that there wasn’t much for me to do.

First, Erika made me edit the copy for the Statement Pages, I had to add the titles of the different sections and the title of each article. With all the digging through the files that I needed to do, that took about………an hour tops.

Then I did nothing for about twenty minutes, then Erika approached me and asked me to look for new music and a new book for the IDEAS page, which I found pretty quickly. Thank god for Ina Garten’s cookbook and the fact that U2 is releasing a new album soon.

When that was done, I spent the rest of the day working with Bea, helping her find appropriate art for the Family Values article on family positions.

That was it. Literally that was all, last Friday was probably the most BORED I had ever been during my internship.

OH!! But guess what today (Day 14) is??? THE BEGINNING OF MY LAST WEEK AS AN INTERN.

YEAHP. After 200 something hours, we’re finally here!! The final stretch. I’ll make a more emotional post about it tomorrow when I blog about today.

Was that confusing? SOrry. That’s what I get for always blogging a day late.

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